H.O.P.E. Service User Rights Charter
Service User’s Rights
Confidentiality - your personal information to be kept confidential within the staff team. If it has to be shared it is with your written consent and a private place to talk
To be made feel welcome
To be heard
To access services regardless of your age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, who your friends or family are, or membership of any minority community.
To have a Case Manager, an assessment and an individual plan of care based on your needs and to be involved in drawing up and reviewing it.
The right to complain and make comments without it having a negative affect on your access to the service. You should be offered support in doing this if you want it.
To receive non-judgemental information on the service options available to you and, wherever possible, be offered the opportunity to make choices about these options.
Service User’s Responsibilities
Respect the privacy of staff and other service users and treat them with respect
Threatening, abusive or violent behaviour is not allowed.
Everyone has the right to come back to H.O.P.E.
No illegal activity on the premises, this includes having drugs, or bringing in stolen goods.
Keep to the agreements of your care plan and appointment times. This is an important life skill to learn.
When you can, help to develop the service by making your voice heard.
For key working session not be unduly affected by drugs or alcohol when attending the project
This Charter of Rights was reviewed and updated by a group of
6 HOPE Clients on 22nd March, 2023